Viewing and Events

Public Viewing:

Events - Public Viewing

Dome master


Observatory assistant


Viewing Date

Kurveshan Perumaul

Jack Strachan

28 March 2025

Kurveshan Perumaul

Jack Strachan

25 April 2025

Whenever there is an event of astronomical importance, we will organise a viewing evening for the general public or even a trip away to a site that is regarded as the one offering optimal advantages for the best viewing. ASSA Durban operates an 11″ Celestron Schmidt Cassegrain telescope on an equatorial mount in a domed building at the observatory situated at St Henry’s Marist College (next to the Entabeni Hospital) in Durban.

We have decided to open the facility (weather permitting) to the public once a month on the Friday closest to the new moon. This is open to anyone to come and enjoy some beautiful viewing of planets, the moon and the stars.

A volunteer crew of competent amateur astronomers will point the telescope at some heavenly bodies and depending on the time of the year, you might see Jupiter and some of it’s moons, the orange coloured planet Mars, or the rings around Saturn and even some nice close-ups of lunar craters!  Above is the list of observation dates, together with the the names of your observation hosts and their contact numbers. Observation times will commence at about 19:h00. Please note this facility will obviously be closed on cloudy and rainy evenings. When in doubt, contact your host.

Star Parties

Regular star parties are hosted  throughout the year, at various locations – Check out past ‘nDaba newsletters, for photos and information. Please contact the Society to confirm details.