The Durban chapter of The Astronomical Society of Southern Africa (ASSA) represents a community of like-minded people interested in the widely varied fields encompassed under the umbrella of astronomy; affiliated to the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa, the “parent body” generally referred to as ASSA.
If you have an interest in or have a passion for looking at the night sky; are keen to learn about the science of astronomy; dabble in cosmology or are just curious and want to find out what astronomy is all about; then you will greatly enjoy the meetings amongst enthusiasts who come from all walks of life and share a common interest in astronomy. Please refer to the “Calendar” tab for all scheduled meetings and upcoming events.
Meetings – ASSA Durban meets at 7:30 p.m. on the 2nd Wednesday of every month, either in-person or online. in-person meetings are held at St Henry’s Marist College school hall, located at Mazisi Kunene Road, Glenwood, Durban. Location available on the adjacent Google map. Online meetings are held via Zoom, or we may sometimes join other national baranches. Please check Whatsapp, email and nDaba for announcements.
Please refer to the “Membership“– There are several benefits in becoming an ASSA member beside attending our monthly meetings and receiving a copy of the electronic ‘nDaba Newsletter. These include access to our observatory and telescopes. Participating in other astronomical events and activities, such as viewing meteor showers, solar and lunar eclipses. On the fun side, Star parties are held, as well as the free year-end function as a final get together until the New Year. All this whilst learning or imparting your knowledge with fellow enthusiasts.
As a member, there are first rights to and special rates for any ASSA organised trips, for example; the trip to see the SALT (Southern African Large Telescope) in Sutherland in the Northern Cape or experiencing the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) in Norway.
To become an ASSA member, please continue to the “Membership” tab to enroll with the society.
Viewing – Weather permitting, the observatory, which is also located on the grounds at St Henry’s Marist College, will be opened for viewing on a Friday evening, closest to the new moon. To learn more about the observatory and viewing evenings, please go to the “Viewing & Events” tab or refer to the calendar. In addition, click on the RSS Weather icon above for a 7 day forecast.
Outreach Events – ASSA Durban is committed to the education of learners and the public in astronomy, holding regular outreach events at various locations and functions on request. Further information is available under the “Viewing & Events” tab, and all are welcomed to assist.